Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have had many complaints due to not updating this website, so I am going to try a little harder! Many keep asking if I ever bought my house and if so, what does it look like? So, this entry is to share pictures of my house which I moved into October 2008.
It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house that is just perfect for Kam and I. It is in a nice neighborhood where many of his friends from school live. I also have a couple friends/co-workers that live in the neighborhood. The following pictures are the main living area (living room and kitchen which connect). The first picture is taken standing in the kitchen looking into the living room. The second picture is taken from my bedroom doorway and looking across the living room and into the kitchen. The third picture is the part of the kitchen you cannot see from the second picture.The next pictures are of my bedroom and bathroom. The first picture is standing in the corner looking towards the bathroom (open door) and the door on the left is my closet. The second picture is taken standing in the bathroom doorway looking into the room. The third picture is my walk in closet :) Sorry you have to turn your head sideways to see it! The forth picture is my bathroom taken by the window and the fifth picture is the other half of my bathroom taken from where the toilet is.

The next pictures will show you the last two bedrooms and bathroom. The first two pictures are of Kameron's room. The third picture is our office/playroom. The fourth picture is Kameron's bathroom (AKA guest bathroom).In order to get to these two rooms and bathroom, you have to go down a hallway off of the main hallway. The picture below shows Kam's hallway.

This last picture shows the view you see entering the house. Right past the doorway (coat closet) on the left is Kam's hallway. The doorway on the right before you get to the living room is the door to the garage. The view you are looking at is the living room (where the windows are). If you would turn left you would enter the living room and then enter my bedroom. If you turn right you would enter the kitchen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slap in the face!

I just have to share how AWESOME God is! We have finally come to an agreement on the price of the house so I signed the contract today. Last night the fear (which completely related to Sunday's church service) of owning a home took over me. I know I am getting a good buy and God has laid this house in front of me but everything that comes with owning a house started overwhelming me. I started thinking about having to cut grass, fix things that break, shovel snow, etc. I talked with Leslie who continuously pointed out that I could not come up with a reason to not buy this house. I told her I asked God to give me a sign...which I am HORRIBLE at seeing usually. I question every possible sign. The house being dropped in my lap at such an ideal time and way was God's work. This should have been enough of a sign for me. But I told Leslie I wanted a sign to slap me in the face. I wanted something that I would not question in any way. Well, today after signing the contract, I was offered a sectional leather couch by one of my co-workers for free. She also told me she may have more stuff to give me since her boyfriend and her are moving in together and they do not need all of their stuff. Then, another co-worker offered to GIVE me a lawn mower which has only been used once or twice. I was so excited about the way things were falling.

When I got home, I started thinking about needing to get boxes so I could begin packing. Instantly I thought about the cork board on my church's website where people can post items they need, are giving away, events happening, etc. I got on it in order to put a post about needing boxes. This is where I got slapped in the face! There on my screen before me was a post from someone who has a ton of moving boxes in great condition. The boxes are many shapes and sizes, are clean and are available for anyone needing them!! Plus, they will bring them to me! I instantly sent them a message asking about them. I have not heard back yet but am amazed at how God works. He truly knows the desires of our heart and slapped me in the face just as I asked!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Positive thinking

Since being back from my trip, a lot of things have come up against me to try to drag me down. I have been looking to buy a house and was approved for a loan through Rural Development. The day after getting home from my trip I received a letter in the mail saying the government program I am going through (R.D.) is having a shortage of funds and they would not be able to provide me a loan at this time. I said a prayer and told myself it must not be my time and God would provide me a house when he wanted me to have one. A couple days later, my realtor called and told me she found the perfect house for me. I had to inform her of the bad news and told her I did not want to see it, fall in love with it and not be able to get it. She had never heard of this program running out of funds like this and asked to see my letter. She did some research and found out it was true. We decided to put my house search on hold. I was starting to feel discouraged. I have been looking for a house for over a year and have never found a house I liked. My realtor was so positive this was the perfect house for me and now it was not possible to get it. I continued to pray about it and felt a peace that God will work my house situation out in his time and it was pointless to worry about it.

A few days later, my realtor called me back. As it turns out, the seller of "my perfect house" went through the same program I am going through. We learned it would be possible to transfer her loan over to me. I went to see the house and I LOVE it! Today I made an offer on it! Everything will depend upon getting the loans transferred over to me and whether we can negotiate a price we are both happy with. If this is the house for us, God will make it happen. If it doesn't work out, I know God will provide a better home for Kameron and I.

I have also been struggling with Kam and with work since my return home. Kameron has been acting out a LOT and has seemed to forget all of his rules. Basically he is acting his age (3) but it is hard to digest when I know he knows better most of the time. At work, I have been struggling with several issues but the more I pray about it, God helps me get through it and has been building relationships between me and other followers of Christ that I work with. It is nice to be able to talk about God with people I work with every day. Besides my trip, the latest book I just got done reading has been a HUGE topic of discussion. I would highly recommend everyone reading THE SHACK by William P. Young. A word of NOT read chapter 4 at bedtime. The book is descriptive and images from that chapter haunted me all night one night. After Chapter 4, everything gets so much better! I will not spoil it though. It is an AMAZING book!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Go New Orleans Journal

Today 300+ people from Crossroads (my church) loaded onto seven buses and headed towards New Orleans, Louisiana. Our mission is to rebuild New Orleans. We do not believe we will rebuild the city or even put a dent in the efforts to rebuild the city. Our hopes are to touch lives by working with Habitat for Humanity and helping with vacation bible school a local church in New Orleans is hosting. If one person is positively effected by our efforts, we have succeeded in our mission. We hope to love on people within our group and within the city.

My goal for the trip is to give of myself in any way needed. I am out of my comfort zone by attending this trip to where I know only one person. I did not feel God was pulling me to do vacation bible school but to help build houses. Kids, i know. Houses, I do not. I am going into this trip feeling lost but open to what may be in store for me. The reality of being on the trip still has not hit me.

It has been a week today since I felt God really start working on me. For the past seven or eight years, I have been slipping away from God and living my life for him less and less. I have felt my heart harden over these years yet I felt helpless and unable to change that. Last Sunday, 07/27/08 we had a kick off service for our trip. We went over trip logistics and then had a worship service. In the middle of worship, one of the trip leaders started saying a prayer. I was also praying, asking God to move in me and soften my heart. When he was done praying, I opened my eyes to find the auditorium completely dark. Standing in a circle around the group of people going on the trip were our prayer partners holding candles. The sight of this was overwhelming. I quickly scanned the circle, searching for my prayer partner. Finally my eyes fell upon her...Tricia. I couldn't believe she was there. Since having Sofia, I rarely talk to her, let alone get time with her. From that moment I felt my heart soften and any bitterness, resentment, anger, etc. start chipping away.

We are finally in New Orleans! After a looong bus ride we arrived at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church for their 10:30 service. It was amazing to be in a church that has just recently moved back into their building due to water damage and to see how faithful and full of joy their congregation is. After church we checked into the hotel, took much needed showers, grabbed lunch and enjoyed some free time until we joined together for dinner at the hotel. After dinner we explored New Orleans and started getting to know each other over karaoke!

In order to prepare for the trip we watched the documentary "When the Levees Broke". This gave us images of Katrina, facts about what happened, as well as personal stories. I also read the book One Dead in Attic by Chris Rose. This book was amazing! I would recommend this to anyone that wants a personal account of New Orleans during the time of the storm and the year or so after. The images described in the book will always stick with me. Although I thought I had prepared myself for what I would see in New Orleans, I was mistaken.

This morning we went on the Katrina Tour. We drove all over New Orleans through many different neighborhoods and the sights were the same. Destruction was everywhere! It looks as though a bomb had gone off a few days prior. It is amazing to see the "Katrina Tattoos". These are the X's you see on the houses. The numbers at the top of the X tells you the date, to the left of the X tells you who was there (New Orleans police, military, what city they were from, etc.), to the right of the X tells you where they searched (NE-No Entry, EO- Exterior Only, etc.), and the bottom of the X tells you how many bodies were found. You can also see the water lines on the houses. Majority of the houses have these lines close to the roof, or at least 3/4 up the front door. Usually there were several lines showing the highest level, where the water sat the longest, and once they started pumping water out of the city the line was lower. Many houses are still boarded up appearing to still be abandoned three years later. There is a lot of construction and demolition going on around the city as well. We saw brand new houses being built between two destroyed homes. We saw houses getting raised off the ground in hopes of being able to be repaired. We saw stairs that used to lead to front doors. We saw neighborhoods with no houses. We saw FEMA trailers. Still lots of FEMA trailers. We heard stories of loss. The three hour tour changed our lives. It made us feel as though we had lost our lives, homes, families, etc. It made us thankful for what we have. It made us angry to see the destruction as if it happened last week. It made us ready to start working to make a difference in any possible way.

Today we started working. My group went to Central City. Other groups were sent to the Lower 9th Ward or the West Bank, unless they were doing Vacation Bible School. My job for the morning was caulking. I have never caulked before but I enjoyed it. We had to caulk everything from windows to wood, wood to wood, siding to siding, etc. It was a lot of ladder work but enjoyable. The morning flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch time. Our bus drivers started the buses 1/2 an hour before lunch so we could get out of the heat and eat in the A/C. (Our bus drivers actually worked on the Habitat site with us which we thought was awesome.) Because of the problems I have had with heat when I lived in Louisiana, I knew it would be a bad idea for me to go into the A/C and then come right back into the heat so I told my friends I was going to find some shade and eat there. They agreed and went with me to find shade. Halfway through lunch, my friend Leslie asked if I was alright. I nodded but didn't say anything. As each moment passed, I started getting extremely dizzy and nausea. I blew off how I was feeling and got back to work. I spent the rest of the afternoon caulking, wood puttying, and then I started getting frustrated. Every time I would try to do something, someone else would do it. I eventually started priming windows. Being on the ladder showed me how dizzy I was and how awful I was starting to feel. By the time we were done working and I was back on the bus, I was miserable. I convinced myself I was fine, took a shower and headed out to dinner and to Preservation Hall to hear some jazz. By the time we got to P-Hall, I was going downhill fast with a migraine in full swing. I was convinced all I needed was a good night's sleep.

I woke up this morning feeling AWFUL. For an hour I debated whether I should go to the job site. I did not want to miss out on any experience but I knew I should not start the day with the way I felt. I stood up to go to the bathroom and could not see straight. I tried focusing but felt as though I was falling over. Knowing that most of our work would be on ladders today, I decided it would be best for me and others if I stayed in. I did not want to chance falling off a ladder or passing out in the heat. I woke up at 3:00 pm when Leslie texted me to tell me they were on their way back to the hotel. I still felt horrible. I picked up the phone and called Tricia. I needed prayer and advice. Between my health and frustrations about my Go Group (Out of the 300+ people, they divided us into groups of 9-12 people) , I was not feeling very positive about this trip. Tricia told me she would pray for me and she knew I would feel better within hours. She encouraged me to humble myself and ask my group for prayer. She also told me my group would come together in God's time.

Since I had not ate all day, Leslie convinced me to join everyone for dinner. I have been frustrated all week because our Go Group has never all been together at once. We have a leader of the trip on our team so he is always being pulled aside and a couple members of our team like to wander. Tonight at dinner, our entire group actually sat together! After dinner we were encouraged to meet with our Go Group to honor each other. We were given Burger King crowns to give to someone in our group. We were to say why we were honoring them by calling them out on a trait they have. Brian, our leader started out by honoring me for coming on this trip even though I knew my health could be a problem. Cassie also chimed in saying she honored the fact that I came on the trip even though I had family and friends close to me who were very negative about the trip and me coming on it. It was really amazing to listen to each other honor one another and build each other up. The whole point of this activity was to show you cannot give until you are able to receive.

By the end of our Go Group session, I was feeling amazingly better. I still had a slight headache but nothing near what I did have. Tricia had called me during dinner and left me a message to read Isaiah 40:1-31. Isaiah 40:27-31 really touched me so I wrote it on a piece of paper and put it in my shorts for the next day. This is what it says:

Why do you say, O Jacob,
and complain, O Israel,
"My way is hidden from the Lord;
my cause is disregarded by my God"?
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary;
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

God is AWESOME! I woke up this morning feeling wonderful. One thing I have learned is I need to lean on God and not rely on myself. I am nothing without God and everything with God. I have been asking him to use me to touch the lives of others but not allowing him to touch my life. Last night, I had to receive the compliments from my group. I usually blow compliments off because I do not believe them but last night God opened my heart and let them come in. It was overwhelming! I realized if it felt that great to receive from people it could only be amazing to receive from God!

On the work site I helped Leslie and a couple of guys to assemble stairs. I also had a chance to meet the future homeowner that came to join us to put in her sweat hours. Her name is Emma. She evacuated New Orleans before the storm hit but still lost everything. She assumed she would only be gone for 2-3 days so that is all the changes of clothes they took. Living with her is her 11 year old son and her 16 year old niece. (Emma's sister died a few months after the hurricane due to an infection she got from being in the contaminated water.) While talking with Emma and her son's dad, the topic of me being from Louisiana was brought up. Her son's father asked if I had ate everything I wanted since I have been in New Orleans. I told him the only thing I hadn't had yet was a crawfish boil. He told me he would take care of me. I laughed and got back to work. About an hour later he came up to me and told me to look in the box he had. He had brought a feast of crawfish, crab, shrimp, corn and potatoes! I was so excited! My work site crew was so thankful for the gesture and the opportunity for many of them to try a crawfish boil for the first time! (Not to mention it was a great change from our soggy turkey po-boys we were eating everyday for lunch!) With our spirits lifted, we went back to building the porch and painting the house.

Today the theme between Leslie and I was the power of positive thinking and speaking. We were starting to realize that anytime anyone said something negative or sarcastic, it happened. On the same note though, anytime anyone said anything positive, it also happened. My Bible verse was in my pocket all day and anytime I started feeling exhausted or sick, I would pull it out and read it. If I wasn't feeling so great, I would say I was feeling amazing and it was an awesome day. In the end, it was a BEAUTIFUL day and I felt energized and great all day!

This morning we woke up to rain. We thanked God! We knew we would still be going to work but we knew the rain would help cool things off. We worked on projects inside the house or under the porch roof. Shortly after starting to work, the rain stopped but the day stayed fairly cool. Leslie and I ended up going to the work site behind ours to help them paint their house. It was a relaxing day of painting and conversing with new friends.

At the end of the work day the buses took everyone to First Baptist New Orleans church. There we had a worship ceremony and a baptism ceremony. For a long time I have wanted to get baptized. I was baptized as a baby in the Catholic church but I have never made the public announcement of following Christ. I committed my life to following Jesus as a teenager but never publicly announced it. I was thrilled when they gave us this chance! I cannot think of a more perfect time or place. Throughout this trip I have had my heart softened once again and have realized my life needs some redirection. I have been full of bitterness, hurt, anger, rejection, etc. over the past few years and I want to rid myself and my life of all these things.

I stood up to go to the baptism pool. As I reached the line, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Cassie and Leslie stood behind me! I was thrilled they too were getting baptized. We were able to all three get baptized at the same time. I cannot describe the feeling I experienced. It was pure joy and relief. Never had I felt so light and loved. I felt like all my concerns, feelings of anger, hurt, betrayal, etc had been washed away and I was a new person. I felt as though I was once again worthy of serving God. For once, I felt forgiven...completely. I will never be able to fully describe my joy and freedom I felt coming up out of the water.

We arrived back in Ohio Sunday morning. It was bittersweet. I missed Kameron so much while I was gone but I did not want to leave New Orleans and end the work we had been doing there. It has been hard since we have been back. My life seems less significant. I have a feeling of being lost. Watching people take their lives for granted and fighting over petty things is hard to come back to after seeing such destruction. I really believe the less you have, the more happier you are. I miss being surrounded by hundreds of people all the time. I miss working in the heat and humidity, sweating all day. In New Orleans, I knew my purpose. I saw the difference we made. Being back home, I am searching. I want to touch lives everyday. I want to do God's work. I want to serve God and others. I am thankful for the chance to go to New Orleans and be a part of rebuilding the city. I am thankful for the prayers and support many have given me. I am most thankful for God's GRACE and LOVE. He has changed my life once again and I can never thank him enough for that.